Shell Recharge’s Migration to Piano Analytics: Sharing Best Practices

Shell Recharge, the electric vehicle (EV) charging solution from Shell, has recently transitioned to Piano Analytics. Michel Bieze, Senior Digital Analyst at Shell Recharge, shares lessons and best practices from the migration. This customer story offers a glimpse into the strategic implementation of data analytics and provides learnings for shaping effective data strategies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Flexibility and Collaboration: Success in an analytics migration hinge on visibility within the organization and collaborative efforts across various teams. As an example, Shell collaborated with the site reliability and engineering team to host their files, particularly during the proof-of-concept phase. This phase is vital for identifying and fine-tuning any aspects that aren't working, ensuring a smoother transition to full implementation.
  • Management Support: Securing the understanding and backing of management is fundamental. They recognized the necessity and benefits of the new solution, which was instrumental in ensuring its success.
  • Effective Communication: When working with stakeholders to ensure support, it's essential to speak a communal language. Many senior stakeholders may not be familiar with digital analytics and specific technical terms, but understand accountancy terms. Therefore, it's crucial to articulate the value created by the new technology in financial terms, such as cost savings, revenue increase, or overall profitability.
  • KPIs and Key Measures: While a primary KPI is the effective capture and improvement of lead generation processes, Shell also prioritizes customer service as a differentiator for its business. They required an analytics solution that they could leverage to improve customer service and the quality of self-help options for customers. This includes analyzing which support articles and contact links are most used and how to enhance these resources. Trend recognition over time is a significant aspect of improving customer service.

This transition by Shell Recharge to Piano Analytics underscores the importance of taking a strategic approach in data analytics migration, emphasizing flexibility, collaboration, clear communication, and focused KPIs. This story offers a roadmap for others looking to navigate similar transitions, highlighting that a successful migration is not just about the technical aspects, but also about understanding and aligning with the broader business context.