How OVHcloud uses Piano Analytics to optimize digital marketing

How Piano helped Fortune Media go premium in one year and triple conversions


Jul 26, 2023


Customer Stories, Piano Academy, Piano Analytics

How OVHcloud uses Piano Analytics to optimize digital marketing

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15 tips for orienting your paywall strategy

OVHcloud is a provider of cloud solutions which offers hosting and storage solutions for the digital needs of companies or individuals. They have over 1.5 million customers across 140 countries, and at the 2022 Piano Academy Live event, Head of Data Marketing Aurélian Bouchard joined us on stage to discuss how Piano Analytics data is at the heart of everything that OVHcloud does. 

Key Takeaways:

  • The challenges OVHcloud faced: automate, activate, and personalize. To achieve success in each of these areas, they have completely overhauled their digital marketing process over the past few years. To facilitate this transformation, they sought a solution that would help them automate data flows, monitor digital activity, and activate new digital marketing campaigns. 

  • Piano data is at the center of everything that OVHcloud does from a digital marketing perspective. They rely on Piano Analytics data and enrich it with data from a number of other sources, like Tableau, to inform and optimize their digital marketing approach. 

  • They use machine learning models to make predictions on visits, conversions, and sales and closely monitor churn levels. These models afford them a high degree of accuracy in making assessments and taking actions on monthly marketing activities.

  • Dashboards help them understand specific customer behavior across the full customer journey. The teams at OVHcloud in charge of the customer journey need to understand what actions customers take: Do they buy other products? What elements do they click on? Where do they go to gain essential information? The answers to these questions help to inform the specific marketing actions needed.